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Notice of Public Meeting to Correct Assessments

Oct 24, 2023




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 14th day of November, 2023 the Board of Directors of the Burley Irrigation District will meet as a Board of Corrections for the purpose of correcting assessments. If you have bought or sold land within the boundaries of the District the Board must be notified of the change in ownership. The Board of Directors will meet at the Burley Irrigation District Office, 246 East 100 South of Burley, Idaho at 10:00 AM until completion of necessary business.

ASSESSMENTS WILL BE levied in the amount of $65.00 per acre and $25.00 per billing for the operation and maintenance of the system and works of the district, for the administration of its affairs, which may be reviewed with the Board upon request of any person. The assessment rolls of the District will be in the office of the District and open for inspection during the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

Dated this 11th day of October 2023.

/s/ Arca Osterhout 

Arca Osterhout        


Burley Irrigation District 

Notice of NO Election

Oct 17, 2023




CODE 43-201A



AS STATED: Is, pursuant to section 43-201A, Idaho Code, the secretary of the district verifies that there are three (3) qualified candidates who have been nominated for the position of directors to be filled, it shall not be necessary to hold an election for these positions, and the board of directors shall declare such candidates elected as directors at the next regularly scheduled board meeting following the expiration of the date for filing written nominations.

With no further petitions filed except for the petition presently filed, for the Director Division No. 2 (Springdale) Burley Irrigation District will not hold an election for the director’s term beginning January 1, 2024. Scott Turpin has been declared elected for a two-year term.

            With no further petitions filed except for the petition presently filed, for the Director Division No. 3 (View) Burley Irrigation District will not hold an election for the director’s term beginning January 1, 2024. Clifford Searle has been declared elected to a three-year term.

            With no further petitions filed except for the petition presently filed, for the Director Division No. 5 (Starrs Ferry) Burley Irrigation District will not hold an election for the director’s term beginning January 1, 2024. Mike Beck has been declared elected to a three-year term.

Dated this 11th day of October 2023.


/s/ Arca Osterhout                                                                                      Secretary/Treasurer                                                                                      

                                                                                    Burley Irrigation District

Water Shut-Off Date

Oct 13, 2023

The water for the 2023 season will be shut off on Monday, October 16, 2023.